Serviam Care Network Blog

Convert More Form Fills to Tours with These Tried-and-True Tips

Written by Serviam Care Network | Sep 28, 2022 7:06:10 PM

Forms fills are an essential inbound marketing tool for senior living communities. When done correctly they can generate quality leads that turn into tours and ultimately, more move ins for your community.  

If you’re ready to optimize your form fills on your website to drive a higher tour rate, read on!  

Optimize your form fills with these best practices  

The first step in converting more form fills to tours is to optimize your forms.  

The length of the form matters for user experience. HubSpot did an A/B test and found that two-column form fills converted better than a single-column form fill for their landing page. The reason being potential customers get scared off by the long form fill. A single-column form fill may be a better fit when there’s only 3-5 form fields.  

Another best practice is to match the size of your form fields to the expected answers a lead would fill in, according to WP forms and an eye tracking study supported by Google. A usability study by Baymard Institute found that if a field is too long or too short, users start to wonder if they had misunderstood the label. 

Make sure your form is accessible. Provide clear indication that a form is selected when a user clicks or taps on the form field. Add input masks in form fields that could have formatting issues like phone numbers are also handy and cause less frustration for the user.  

Go here for more ideas on perfecting your form fill.  

Follow up after a form fill submission - Leads want a streamlined customer service experience  

At this point your form fills are optimized, but there’s still more to do to convert your form fills to tours.  

Covid changed the expectation of customer satisfaction, especially in the senior living industry. According to Forbes, “Customer experience has become one of the most critical differentiators in the marketplace today.” 

Senior Living Communities who connect with leads fastest and provide excellence customer service are the ones who book the most tours.  

Leads expect that when they give information through a form fill, a community will get back to them almost immediately.  

Responding quickly sounds easy – but unfortunately, it’s not the reality of our industry. Community directors often don’t get back to a lead until days after they first inquire.  

The perception of speed to lead quality is hurting communities because leads are getting missed, or by the time a community director does reach out, they have already gone to a competitor.  

Do a self-check and secret shop your own communities to measure your speed to lead time.  

Is one community responding faster than another? How long does it take to get an actual response back from a community director? These are important measurables that ultimately impact your customer experience.  

Need to extend your community sales team? The VIA Contact Center connects you with your leads in 5 minutes.  

Work smarter and save time 

When done correctly, form fills are a great way to capture leads interested in learning more about your community. It’s often these small tweaks in your strategy that can make all the difference in someone taking the time to ask for more information. Follow these tips and see your conversion rate increase!


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